Each suitcase is a craft to perfection


With dif­fer­ent hold­ing capac­i­ty in many dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als such as linen, nylon, leather and arti­fi­cial leather. We can pro­duce to your wish­es in shape, size and col­or. It is also pos­si­ble to choose from very exclu­sive acces­sories, such as bor­der trim­mings in leather brass fit­tings or com­bi­na­tion locks.

tray case

Orphtalic Frames


Orphtalic Frames


Orphtalic Frames

boxes for spectacle frames

Orphtalic Frames

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tray case from Jilg

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drawer-case by Jilg

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tray-case by Jilg

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boxes for spectacle frames by Jilg

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